8 Problems with Winter

We offer many services as pest controllers. Some are year-round problems, while others are seasonal. Here is a list of eight of the most common pests that can cause problems during winter months.
- Rats
- Mice
- Garden Moles
- Birds
- Clothes Moth
- Fleas
- Bed Bugs
- Cluster Fly
Rats and Mice.
These two animals are similar in their motivations so I have put them together. Both rats and mice want to escape the cold during winter. They are burrowers, and they will happily live in the ground or another place that they have made home. They will need to be covered in warm places during winter rains and colder weather. They could be at your workplace or home. You will be able to identify them if they enter your home or workplace by the signs you see and hear. We recommend that you take action quickly to stop them multiplying. Pest-Tech, a professional pest control company, should be able advise you or assist with the problem.
Garden Moles.
Although garden moles might not seem like a big problem, anyone who has ever had to deal with a mole problem will tell you how serious it can be. If left untreated, a single mole can quickly ruin a garden. If you’re an avid gardener, this is bad news. Trapping is the best way to get rid of them.
The common pigeon is the main culprit when I speak about birds. They will nest where they shouldn’t. We often hear about pigeons nesting underneath solar panels. Because solar panels provide protection from predators and weather, this is a common occurrence. It’s the ideal place for them to set up home. To move them on, we install a mesh barrier.
Clothes Moth
This is when clothes moths, or carpet moths as they are often called, can thrive. They are a textile pest and live off natural fibres like wool. The larvae eat your wool jumper or carpet pile and do most of the damage. We recommend that you seek professional advice if you suspect a moth problem. An adult moth can be seen crawling on the carpet or in your wardrobe to indicate a moth infestation. Their tiny silk larvae homes are about the same size as a grain rice and are white in colour.
Fleas can be a problem all year, but they thrive in winter because your central heating is on. Although fleas can be brought in from pets, some problems are passed on to them by previous tenants of rental homes. To hatch, flea eggs require heat, vibration, movement, and heat. The movement and vibration are indicators that there is food available. We advise not to spend too much money on sprays, but to seek the advice of a professional. We have seen many cases where customers spend more on sprays than they do to get a professional to treat them.
Bed Bugs
Bed Bugs are blood-feeders that are attracted both to the carbon dioxide you exhale and to warmth you feel when you sleep. Bed bugs can be identified by bloody bed covers, black spots on the bed frames and other harbourage areas as well as bite marks and blood smears. You should immediately seek professional help if you suspect you have bed bugs. Do not move any rooms, as they will search for food. This is how the bed bug infestation spreads throughout your home. Follow the instructions of the pest control company to ensure a successful treatment. Although it is time-consuming, you can resolve the problem quickly. If you don’t get any instructions from the company, you may be using the wrong company.
Cluster Fly
Cluster fly in winter in lofts or similar areas. They arrive in November, hibernate, and then emerge around March. You may notice a steady stream of flies entering your home if you have central heating. They may be awakened by the heat. It is very easy to treat them with the right equipment if this happens. Cluster fly problems can be identified if you see dead flies in your windows all the time.
We have now discussed pests at this time of the year. There is good news for anyone who has any of these. They are all treatable. Before you act, it is important to seek out additional advice. Professional pest control companies will be able give you advice on how to solve the problem. Pest-Tech is happy to provide advice but will always recommend that you contact a professional for safety. Sometimes, this will also be the most cost-effective option. Pest-tech.org is a great place to find out more information and book treatment.
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